Wash the Machmani with holy water (like Ganga water).(मचमनी को पवित्र जल (जैसे गंगाजल) से धोएं।)
Day to Wear
Wear theMachmanion aMondayorThursday, as these days are auspicious. (मचमनी को सोमवार या गुरुवार के दिन धारण करें, क्योंकि ये दिन शुभ होते हैं।)
Sit Quitly
Sit in a quiet place, facing east or northeast.(किसी शांत स्थान पर पूर्व या उत्तर-पूर्व की ओर मुख करके बैठें।)
Mantra Jaap
Mantra: राहु बीज मंत्र – ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः। विधि – इस मंत्र का नित्य रात्रि के समय 108 बार जाप करें।
Final Prayer
Offer a final prayer or mantra to activate its benefits. (इसके लाभों को सक्रिय करने के लिए अंतिम प्रार्थना या मंत्र अर्पित करें।)
Wear Pendant
Wear the cleansed Machmani around your neck, ensuring it touches your skin.(साफ की गई मचमनी को अपनी गर्दन के चारों ओर पहनें, यह सुनिश्चित करते हुए कि यह आपकी त्वचा को छूती रहे।)
Benefits (फ़ायदे) of Machmani?
Overcome Rahu Dosh
It is said to be ideal for those going through the Rahu Mahadasha, providing relief from misfortunes and mental unrest.
Success (सफलता)
It is said to help in overcoming obstacles in studies, foreign travels, and achieving success in astrology, politics, and other pursuits.
Some believe that wearing Machmani can bring financial prosperity, eliminate financial hardships, and stimulate business growth.
Improve Health
It is said to offer protection against evil eyes, Vaastu Dosha, and physical and mental health issues.
Job & Business Issues Resolve
Helps solve problems in your job and gives you stability in your career. Brings success in business by removing obstaclesl.
It is said to correct Vaastu imbalances at home, promoting harmony and peace.